I saw the house properly, for the very first time, early one afternoon in the middle to late 1990’s when I was out driving in South Omaha. Or on a hunt, as I now say. House Hunting. Mansion Chasing. Building Stalking. I am sure you understand
Month: May 2016
Would it really surprise anyone to hear that Miss Cassette loves to walk around Omaha and make up names and stories for almost everyone and thing that I come across? Because that is what I do. I can’t help it. I am not sure when it all
In the early fall of 1982, I, accompanied by some girl pals, began making trips from midtown Omaha and Benson, where we lived, to downtown Omaha. I did not know it then but I was doing research for this very piece. I was young and dumb and
For those obsessed with buildings, Old Omaha, and our cultural history, a walk around downtown and the chance to peer into the past is simple euphoria. Some things you can only find on foot, I have discovered. To find a gem, to glimpse a trace
Before I get into the who and why of this incredible Omaha unsung hero, Rino the Tailor, let me first start by explaining my need to champion my fabulous Omahans in an ongoing series. When I was young it seemed that everywhere I looked in Omaha
Before you even attempt to make sense of this follow up, please take some time to read Mysteries of Omaha: 4025 Izard Street, making sure that you are caught up on our current local Omaha Mystery. (Above Photo and the best illustration taken
Before I tell you one of the best stories you will ever hear, I have a confession to make. It is a confession that does not paint me in the best light and I risk having you think less of me. I guess that is a part of confessing. I will just get