Today we are going to examine some mystery buildings I have long been wondering about. This narrative is not completely fleshed out and, honestly, I am uncertain that it ever can be completed. I am currently working on a big story on the east side of town yet these mundane, hidden in plain sight buildings continue to preoccupy my thoughts. If architecture is language, their message is vacuous, cloaked in their utter blandness…which is intentional. Their very isolative, vacant façade is what draws The Building Obsessed near. We smell a secret.
It is said that numerous intelligence offices are situated in major metropolitan areas. The FBI allegedly operates fifty-five offices around the United States. Many more satellite offices exist in smaller cities. Within the broader domain of intelligence, certain entities employ clandestine offices, concealed within leased premises among various enterprises or even academic institutions. Certain agencies are prominently situated, exemplified by the Ed Zorinsky Federal Building in downtown Omaha, which serves as a central hub for numerous federal entities and the FBI’s headquarters out on 121st Street; both buildings exhibit prominence and clear indications of their functions. We are looking for isolated complexes concealed in the trees, or the one blending into a business park, the secure, Unmarked Floor in an office building, a floor requiring special access.
The straightforward buildings follow.
Edward Zorinsky Federal Building at 1616 Capitol Avenue is the official federal building of Omaha. Nice looking renovation by the Leo A. Daly firm.
J. James Exon building at 4411 S 121st Street serves as the FBI Headquarters of Omaha. Classic, stark federal building.
Let it be known that there are numerous peculiar structures and offices within buildings that we at the My Omaha Obsession-Cassette Detective Agency suspect may serve as fronts or do not accurately represent their true nature. This article does not pertain to those shadowy buildings. This evening, we are concentrating on the strange buildings that we have been tipped to or suspect their current function, or past function now abandoned, as a cover for the intelligence community.
Obsessives, hard at work.
As we proceed, I am sure you, my fellow sleuths, have more Unmarked Floors to add. What follows are a few we have been mulling over.
6910 Pacific Street
6910 Pacific Street, also known as the Overland-Wolf Center, is the long thorn in my side. In the early 1990s I knew an older man who leased an office there. His profession involved providing mental health assessments and drug evaluations for the court system. As you can imagine in the 1980s and 1990s, he enjoyed a steady business when the Omaha Police Department intensified enforcement of DWIs and when courts and attorneys began utilizing these professional instruments. So where were we? This older fellow reported to me, in approximately 1993, that in his tenure leasing his office, suspected intelligence agents were also tenants. I want to say he asserted their offices were the whole top floor but I cannot guarantee the memory is intact. He thought there were odd things and at the very least, covert operations were happening. I inquired about the source of his knowledge—were they well-groomed?…what were the odd things?…did he observe them bending their leather soled shoes to prevent squeaking? To memory, he stated that they kept to themselves and were ambiguous in dialogue. These individuals were not mingling with other leasees at the communal water cooler. Perhaps more important, was that their floor and offices were Unmarked. The norm was to have one’s name or business listed in the building’s tenant directory by the elevators. I am curious, now, whether there were security doors or a passkey system in the elevator?
6910 Pacific Street, as it appears today. In the past this building used to have many and varied communication antennas on the roof. Now it just has the obligatory 5-G nodes and panels.
North elevation. Always tidy and uneventful.
The formal, east elevation “front” entrance. For the record, I do not dislike this building’s design. It offers a functional, efficient, strong look. It seems there are a few buildings on the UNO campus from this same time period. Whenever I see it, which is almost daily, I actually smile to myself.
First floor hall. MCM business.
Tenant directory.
Overland-Wolf, Inc. served as a real estate holding entity for the H. A. Wolf Company. H. A. Wolf Company owned real estate, engaged in mortgage banking, and provided insurance services. We’ve touched on them in our past investigations. Overland-Wolf, the affiliated corporation, would emerge in the 1960s. My friend, Bob Garfield, recalled that these companies were in the Baird building downtown, adjacent to the Tickertape Lounge.
“Baird Building” above the door. Businesses with signs on this building include John O’Brien Fresh Drugs, a U.S. Navy recruiting station, World Insurance Co., and Rubin’s restaurant. Hotel Fontenelle in the distance. Wentworth, William. The Durham Museum. 1945.
Note the U. S. Navy recruiting station.
In 1971, Overland-Wolf proposed constructing a six-story building at the 69th and Pacific site; however, the city denied approval because of the surrounding residential and one-or two-story commercial structures. Remember the Venice Inn directly to the west? Blessed be. RIP.
In March 1972, the H. A. Wolf Company and Overland-Wolf declared the advancement of a four-story office building at the northwest corner of Sixty-ninth and Pacific, with a cost of $1 million. The structure would encompass 50,000 square feet. Designed by Dana, Larson, Roubal, and Associates. H. A. Wolf Co intended to relocate around 35 of its 40 employees to this new building. The firm planned to utilize 6,000 square feet and lease the remainder.
March of 1972. Omaha World-Herald.
There were a few unexpected turns in the construction process, which I won’t go into. Ultimately it wasn’t until May of 1973 that Overland-Wolf announced they had arrived at move-in week.
I would scour the archives looking for any items of importance regarding the top floor or any intel. I recognized there would be no overt information. I am aware that the H. A. Wolf and Overland-Wolf corporation ultimately vacated the facility. I encountered numerous leases, although I found no record of the fourth (top) level until I discovered the U.S. Navy ROTC recruiting office in suite 400 by 1999. Remember that the U. S. Navy recruiting office was also in the Baird Building with H. A. Wolf Company. I have a girlfriend, who I will call M. M., who was a neighborhood kid. During the early to mid 1980s, she and her companions would explore the structure. She perceived it as appearing vacant yet not, noting the lack of significant foot traffic. She and her friends would ascend the elevator to the second and third levels to visit with military recruiters. The recruiters provided them with stickers, which they would proceed to plaster everywhere from the Aksarben area to Elmwood Park. Take that, Midtown! If M. M.’s memory is intact, the Navy was not on the fourth floor in the time period of her 1980s visits.
Notably, I discovered that during the 1980s and 1990s, there were a number of gumshoes leasing at Overland-Wolf. There existed a Pinkerton Detective Agency and Wells Fargo Investigative Agents. There were also a handful of individual agents renting office space there. It was an unusual coincidence that I thought I would highlight in the event it triggers a recollection for someone in our group of sleuths. It also explained the many antennae I had seen on the roofline or those antennae possibly benefitted them.
When I’d just about abandoned my search, I came across a 1994 article concerning a city and federal debate. Apparently, the downtown federal building was “out of room” and there were financial problems as well. I would obtain a list of “Leased Federal Office Spaces” that had been rented (potentially much earlier) in the city. The top leased office was our Overland Wolf Centre at 6910 Pacific. Understandably they were not advertising what federal agency was utilizing the 6910 building; likewise, I am unaware of the duration for which this 12,848 square foot space was leased but the 1994 time stamp does give credence to the older gentleman’s storyline. Furthermore 12,848 sq ft could have been a full floor of the Overland Wolf Centre.
1994. Omaha World-Herald.
**Addendum of March 25, 2025**
I had reached out to my Omaha Public Librarian friends. Librarian, Joelle Sandfort fulfilled my wishes! She wrote:
“No city directory was published in 1988 or 1994, but I looked at the existing directories from 1987-1995. US Navy Recruiting was at Suite #400 for the entire period. Suite #410 was also on that floor. Here are the businesses that occupied Suite #410:
’87: Consolidated Micrographics (microfilm sales/service)
’89: Knudson Appraisal Service (real estate)
’90: Knudson Appraisal Service & Stevens Thos E & Associates (real estate appraiser)
’91: Knudson Appraisal Service & Stevens Thos E & Associates (real estate appraiser)
’92: Vacant (2 businesses)
’93: HMJ Associates (storage)
’95: HMJ Associates (storage)”
So…the plot thickens.
Additionally, My Omaha Obsession friend, Olive Ramsay tipped us to something rather interesting. She wrote: “Wasn’t Overland-Wolfe the original location of CD 105.9 FM radio? When they first came on the airwaves…Would explain antennas on the roof…” We will continue to follow this lead. Does anyone know for sure?
2707 North 108th Street
This oddball property is located just off 108th Street between Maple Street and Blondo Street. Its claim to fame, when built, is that this structure is highly visible from Interstate-680.
I found the building permit submitted in October 1998 for feeting and foundation. The building permit from January 1999 was for the exterior, while an additional permit for the completion of offices was submitted in June 1999. Emerald Pointe, as the building was named, began renting office suites in May 2000. Although visible from a great distance, Emerald Pointe is also very much off the beaten path. Finding it is a maze. This may or may not have been intentional, but it certainly would suit the needs of certain agencies.
The Emerald Pointe facility included an on-site backup generator, 37,860 square feet of space, and 36 secured, heated underground parking places. Over the years, it seemed to be leased to several legitimate firms; yet, according to my stepfather, at some point, part of this structure became the Omaha office of the United States Secret Service. The Omaha Secret Service field office was located within the Emerald Pointe building. Oddly they have maintained their formal address at the previously shown Edward Zorinsky Federal Building at 1616 Capitol Avenue. Does this imply that the USSS needed to move out due to renovation of said Zorinsky building? Did they operate this west Omaha office all along for other purposes? One thing is for certain, no one would come looking for the USSS or any other venture, out at this remote location.
In trying to find this place, one will pass this fascinating property that has all but disappeared. At about 108th and Lake. I will have to come back for further exploration.
Lonely North 108th Street headed north.
Marquee from 2021. Emerald Pointe “for lease.”
The forever private drive to Emerald Pointe, nameless by city planning standards. Far away from 108th Street, I could make out the green building.
Strange field of litter to the south of the drive.
At a distance, I observed Emerald Pointe was under some sort of construction.
The entry to the subterranean garage I had heard about.
North elevation. I personally struggle with this kind of commercial building as I don’t understand the aesthetic or function.
The United States Secret Service was established as a branch of the U. S. Treasury Department to concentrate on the nation’s financial infrastructure. In 1865 the Secret Services sole focus was curbing counterfeiting. I discovered several counterfeit cases that this local office resolved in the last decades, sometimes involving high school students. A 2001 funny money printing operation in Omaha involved a group and one individual was found with 6,000 First National Bank credit cards. The Secret Service, alongside its field office agents, maintains several task teams dedicated to particular aspects of the agency’s investigative mandate.
Omaha office. United States Secret Service Department of the Treasurer. Paskach, Robert (1927-2001). The Durham Museum. 1974
Their website states that two task forces operate through the Omaha field office. The Financial Crimes Task Force comprises Secret Service agents in Nebraska who collaborate with state, local, and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate financial crimes that jeopardize the nation’s financial payment system. The Electronic Crimes Task Force comprises Secret Service agents in Nebraska who are integral to a network dedicated to the prevention and investigation of various electronic crimes, including cyber-attacks. Over the past decade, their efforts have significantly intensified because to the implementation of skimmers on gas pumps and other locations, as well as internet hacking and card duplication.
Omaha counterfeit case. Omaha World-Herald archives. 2001.
USSS. Omaha. The Durham Museum.
But this agency has also focused on protecting national leaders to include their role of gathering and analyzing intelligence since 1906. After the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy, the Secret Service also began providing protection for all presidential candidates. Omaha Secret Service Office has planned past security arrangements to provide a secure environment for presidents and candidates who have come to Omaha. The Omaha and Council Bluffs police defer to the Secret Service when these plans are put in motion.
I wondered which task force had moved out to Emerald Pointe.
Interestingly, the more I investigated, it appeared that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) occupied a suite of offices at the Emerald Pointe as well.
When and why did these agencies move to Emerald Pointe? Why did they move out? Investigation ongoing. We do know they have evacuated as the Omaha Christian High School is apparently taking up the keys. Emerald Pointe sold to “Wildcat Capital LLC” in July of 2024.
Omaha Christian High School up next or is it an unacknowledged government facility? That is a little wink to you.
6707 Pine Street
The building located at the southwest intersection of 67th and Pine Street, together with the adjacent structure to the west, exemplifies the most peculiar and clandestine among the building groups we have examined this evening. The intrigue around 6707 Pine Street stems from its deliberate construction as a concealed structure, akin to an unacknowledged bunker. It was built from sterile prefabricated concrete. 6707 Pine rises blank and expressionless above a desert of parking lots. I once observed a lone vehicle stationed in this lot, but it was that of a worker with a leaf blower performing his duties.
Are the lights on? We lack the knowledge. That’s the point. Do most folks really even look at this building? Negative. Also, the point.
It was the curious line up of Taylor Juniper on Pine Street that initially captured my attention. Then the thorough fencing. Than the ominous fortress. Than the spotlessness. Subsequently, the absence of windows. Its very stronghold in the middle of the Aksarben Village development became my obsession.
It is believed that the early focus of these buildings stemmed from post-9/11 initiatives undertaken by the U. S. Government concerning the Global War on Terrorism. These were confidential technological operations. One or both are underground buildings.
6707 Pine Street is held under the Board of Regents’ name on a portion of the southern UNO campus. All University of Nebraska buildings and lands are in this name out of Lincoln, Nebraska–also known as the University Board of Regents. This extensive parcel, at over thirteen acres, encompasses two other structures. No taxes are being remitted for any of the buildings. This site was formerly part of the Aksarben Horse Race Track.
Aerial photograph borrowed from the DOGIS site. North is the top of the image. Three buildings are situated on this parcel.
The 1993 aerial photograph of the same area shows us the original Aksarben Horse Race Track. (RIP). I outlined the Board of Regents current parcel in yellow, so we could get a visual understanding of the current site. Aerial photograph borrowed from the DOGIS site.
**Addendum of March 25, 2025**
My Omaha Obsession reader, Katherine, had asked for a full view of the Aksarben Track. Here it is!
1993 aerial photograph borrowed from the DOGIS site.
Let’s survey in chronological order.
In 2001 the large structure at 6825 Pine was being built for the new UNO campus. Completed in 2002, this building was named Scott Technology Transfer and Incubator Center.
6825 Pine Street. Scott Technology Transfer and Incubator Center. On the Douglas County Assessor’s site, this structure, of the multi-building parcel, is referred to as Building One.
It was announced that UNMC would lease 8,309 square feet of space at the Scott Technology Transfer and Incubator Center. “UNMC will use the Scott center in two basic areas: bioinformatics and orthopaedic joint replacement implants. Two laboratories from the department of orthopaedic surgery will be housed at the center: the Biomechanics and the Nano-biotechnology Research laboratories.”
Aside from its very peculiar name, Scott Technology Transfer and Incubator Center, the westernmost building of the parcel is the most ostensibly human and welcoming structure. And that’s not saying much.
In August of 2011, the Omaha World-Herald had this brief notification of the Board of Regents constructing two new buildings.
6707 Pine Street is the building that caught my eye. This structure cost $1,275,000 to build. This is the southern view. 6707 Pine is labeled the “Data Center” by the Douglas County Assessor’s office.
Corner of 6707 Pine Street.
Aerial of 6707 Pine Street. Pine Street runs the left side of the photo. Initially I thought this building of the trio was a discreet power substation or something of that nature regarding utilities for the campus.
6707 Pine eastern side. Nothing unusual.
I noted there was no above ground connection between the 6707 and 6805 Pine buildings.
6805 Pine is labeled on Google Map as the “Scott Data Center.” The massive middle building carries postal addresses of 6801 and 6805 Pine. Google Map has this building tagged “Interpublic Group IT” and “Scott Data Center.” Meanwhile the Douglas County Assessor site does not show a photograph of this building, nor have a name for it. The other buildings are One and Two.
Equally confusing, the Douglas County Assessor site did include this basic footprint in the parcel description labeled “Data Center.” This obviously is the footprint of 6805 Pine Street.
Northern view of 6805 Pine Street. Nothing to see here.
Aerial roof view of 6805 Pine Street.
East side view of 6805 Pine.
My friend noted the underground fiber going in and out of there. Small communication vaults outside. I had seen those but did not know what they were, honestly.
Between the two western buildings is a secure entry. I am not sure what all is required and don’t need to know but it very obviously is a restricted access area. We must presume the server rooms house IT infrastructure and are highly secure. There are storage areas of sensitive, valuable equipment, all restricted of course. Security Control Rooms where systems are monitored and controlled.
The structures are currently suspected to serve as a communications hub for homeland security or intelligence purposes. This data center is alleged to have held a Department of Defense contract, which may or may not have been finalized. It may serve as a commercial data center.
Stratcom and Offutt Air Force Base. Defense and government contractors have established offices in the community, and there has been a significant increase in contract and government employment, primarily attributable to overall expansion of the NSA. The affiliations between government and academic institutions are known. The establishment of UNO, particularly in this new development area, surely stimulated the contracts offered for the center and by government. Was this initially a Stratcom installation, an unacknowledged continuity of government facility, some sort of civilian contract with the military or civilian cyber security? How does it function now? Investigation ongoing.
This concludes our saga of The Unmarked Floor. Thank you for joining us. Tonight’s broadcast was brought to us by Grapette Soda with that “True-Fruit Flavored” that you love!
Thank you to all of my friends and contributors who lent clues on and off record in tonight’s investigation.
I welcome your feedback and comments on The Unmarked Floor and any or all of these buildings. Please share your additional clues to the story in the “Comments,” as we know more together. If you have private details that you’d like to share, please make contact. If you know of an Unmarked Floor or presumed secret area, drop me a line. My correspondence has been exceptionally poor and I don’t see it improving. Just know that everyone would love to read what you have to say and it makes the sharing of Omaha history more fun. You can use an anonymous smokescreen name if need be. We want to hear from you.
You can keep up with my latest investigations by joining my email group. Click on “Contact” then look for “Sign me up for the Newsletter!” Enter your email address. You will get sent email updates every time I have written a new article. Also feel free to join My Omaha Obsession on Facebook.
Thank you, Omaha friends.
Miss Cassette
© Miss Cassette and myomahaobsession, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Miss Cassette and myomahaobsession with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
If you are looking for more architectural and Omaha history sleuthing fun, ask your local or bigbox bookseller for my book: My Omaha Obsession: Searching for the City. Also available everywhere online. Thank you.
I love your investigations. I am a native of Omaha & get so excited when I recognize your sites ! Really get the chills when remembering the properties that appear in your headlines of your latest obsession
Please keep this up , it’s a wonderful read I look forward too !
Thank you, Rosemary! This is a high compliment. You have made me smile.
In the 1980s when I worked at UNO, I would visit the 6910 Pacific building to obtain transcribing/recording equipment for my college (CBA). I can’t remember the company I visited (IBM, Norelco, ….). Then when our college moved to the Aksarben campus (Mammel Hall) we were situated right across from the Pine Street building. I always wondered what was going on in there!
Thank you so much for writing in. I always wonder if the Mammal Hall staff or students have observed anything but I really wonder what the Residence Inn people to the east must think! If they think anything at all. Such a bland picture from their windows… Maybe they don’t even notice.
I love your investigations. I have lived my whole life here & have learned a lot from your investigative work.
Thank you so much, Cheryl. Let’s keep having fun. You inspire me to keep going!
I recall meeting with Lindsay Manufacturing at Emerald Pointe around 2010 back when they were an account I supported. My recollection was the company started in Lindsay, NE but moved their HQ to Omaha and settled in that building around that period. I see now their HQ is in the Village Pointe area.
Good intel, Phil. It establishes a timeline of people who were leasing the building or leasing suites in the building. Thanks so much.
I spent a couple 3 years at Scott’s Pine Street painting everything there.
Oooooh! Anything to report? Is there truly a basement?
I have recently moved back to Omaha after almost a lifetime away.
I am so interested in the 1993 aerial photo! I have tried to figure out where AkSarBen went – shouldn’t the site of the old Winners’ Circle be marked????
If the Board of Regents Parcel location is as shown, perhaps an appropriate Marker could be possible
Hi Katherine, The Winner’s circle was just south of the parcel I posted. I didn’t include the circle because I was only showing the parcel related to this particular article, that the Board of Regents own. Are you saying that you prefer to see an aerial that includes that marker? Thanks
The original marker honoring the Triple Crown winning racehorse Omaha was still in place in the shopping area in AkSarBen Village, last time I was there. I remember they attempted to find his grave when they tore down the track (reportedly east grandstand) but no luck. Racehorse are traditionally not buried “whole” – just the hooks, heart and head – plus grandstand expansion made actually locating the grave impossible.
This memorial was always an emotional thing for me when I was little. Thank you for all of this information, Olive.
I can confirm that in 1994 I won tickets to see Pink Floyd from CD 105.9. I picked them up at their office at 6910 Pacific St.
That is solid proof! Thank you.
CD 105.9, call letters KKCD, was located on the third floor of the Overland Wolf Building, according to Omaha radio historian Carl Mann in “Towers on the Prairie.” The station, owned by Diane “Diny” Landon’s Vantage Communications, premiered in August 1990 as “The View,” call letters KKVU. The music format was changed to adult classic rock in November 1991, and CD 105.9 was born. In December 1994 105.9 was sold to Journal Communications, which moved it to 11128 John Galt Boulevard and paired it with KEZO 92.3.
This is great. Thank you so much!