Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Miss Cassette, speaking to you from the Field Club Historic Neighborhood. I am told they used to hold magic shows, called Mystery Seances, at 3316 Center Street in the old days. The Field Club
Tag: Sanborn Maps
As I had mentioned in Park Avenue Recollection, when I first saw the building at 501 Park Avenue, evidently, I took no great interest in it. Carelessness on my part but there were many eyefuls in the surrounding neighborhood, which claimed my
If I told you there was a small neighborhood in Downtown Omaha that had the look and feel of a 1920s or 1930s movie set, would you catch a dimbox over there as quickly as you could just to get a gander? Because there is such a strange, thrilling
I remember fake falling asleep in the backseat of my family’s car, driving home after special nights in Downtown Omaha. Father of Miss Cassette had a number of favored routes that would return us to our home in Benson but his chosen path
Had one been in the habit of making squealing sounds of delight, this would have been an occasion for doing so. It all began when I opened an email from Sherri Moore, Director of Events for Joslyn Castle, asking for a bit of assistance with the