It happened like this. I rushed through the office and asked, “Where did the photograph from 9402 Pacific Street go to?” As I shuffled through a stack of manilla file folders, my coffee stained case notes and recently delivered mail, I pleaded
Calling all Mister Daddy-Os and Miss Cool Kittens. The drugstore’s jukebox jumpin’ but right now and not later, babies! Gather ‘round the soda fountain and let me tell you a story of Sparkle Moore, the rockabilly singer from Omaha. Just out of
This is the third and final installment of the Curious Case of the French Fairytale Cottage. If you are joining us for the first time, please take a spell to get up to speed on our newest investigation. Believe me, reading The Curious Case of
Miss and Mr. Cassette have been so busy with our family over this holiday weekend that I must beg your forgiveness in getting this out rather late. I hope you have had a good weekend as well. If you do not celebrate Easter, I hope that you were