I received a mysterious night telegram from 9402 Pacific Street, possibly emitted from the warning trees, which caused me to hurry up to the property without delay. I cannot be sure how I got there, but I had cast off my thick Hudson and bed
Tag: John Latenser and Sons
When we last gathered in October, we had a delicious time sifting through the early chronology of our obsession, 9402 Pacific. A mysterious presence, 9402 Pacific has, as long as any of us remember, displayed quiet walls—a kind of beautiful,
It is true that these new boxy buildings popping up around town have made fast friends– and enemies too. Like the new girl in junior high, some of us are drawn to novelty and uniqueness. We are refreshed with a new perspective and are
When I was in high school there were the best little thrift stores dotted all over town, very often in shunned neighborhoods. Aided by a ripped out phonebook yellow page, we would seek to find every single shadowy store, foraging for the
When we last dispersed and everyone was tucked into bed, I ventured out alone in the darkness. I pressed on, searching, as the Hidden House’s Byzantine plot swirled with other smoky ringlets in the air. I hope you can excuse my secret beat. I