Dear Detective Friends, tomorrow, March 2, 2021, My Omaha Obsession is celebrating a five year birthday. My, how time has flown by! To walk round the city with you these last five years has been a perpetual delight. I can always count on you to
Category: Miss Cassette’s File
Hello dear friends, I am so glad we have gathered together again. As the Guy Lombardo song goes, “Seems like old times, having you to walk with. Seems like old times, having you to talk with.” I am always glad to share our special time and let
Dear Friends and Fellow Amateur Detectives, As I sit in my office on this dark, drippy day, I am happy to announce the My Omaha Obsession: Searching for the City book is now out and available for purchase. Those of
There is no chance for creeping on North 89th Circle without a tinge of house-stalking shame. If you are not endowed with thick skin or wearing a very good disguise, don’t even think about turning off of Burt Street. But here I am to entice. The
There I was pleasantly chiseling away at an uphill investigation when a My Omaha Obsession reader notified the office of a dubious plot afoot on South 50th Street in Dundee. A local, Dave Schinzel, had recently initiated a petition apprising
Miss Cassette will not be guiding a tour through a dream portal nor a wardrobe today, although my beloved Omaha has walked this historic path many times before any of us were born. I ask that we join together, here amidst the confusion and pain
There is a worn 1963 photograph I had stashed away in a tissue-y sleeve in my desk for this very day. The image revealed the long ago, northeast corner of 15th and Howard, a building no longer standing. On the whole, fictitious. Like a Jim
Hello and welcome! Dear Detective Friends, today, March 2, 2020, My Omaha Obsession is celebrating a four-year birthday party online. We have grown so much this year and I want to thank each and every one of you for that. You have really spread
Our little house is much bigger than you would think from the city sidewalk, busy sidewalk out front. This is as it should be. You alight at the modest front door and look up at this charming, old box of a place, hidden from the road behind a
I shall never forget the thrill I had when I first saw a photograph of the darkened Cudahy Mansion. It was a pleasant, summer day and had been invited to an intimate noon gathering. Let us pretend this was a get-together with Miss Cassette’s