“Now that is a moon….” Mr. Cassette sighed, as we were lying under our Larch, staring up at the sky just the other night. This is his new thing, lying on the still warm ground and one that I have fully embraced. For the spring
I do indeed believe that today we shall be able to get right down to business. Without my dropping of Sam Spade-ish hints and lingering confessionals, I believe we will make good time. I will get to it, right away, I promise. But first allow me
From where I stand, all of authentic Leavenworth is mesmerizing. Not in the Dazzling Happy Hollow Way or in the Glorious Woolworth Avenue Way, as much as in the charming, favored shoe way. Or maybe Leavenworth is more of a slipper? At any rate,
I had written Rose Lodge on a manila file folder over a year ago, an early target investigation that I had hoped to explore in my first months at this sleuthing business. Eventually the folder was buried like so many of my dead of night
Supposing that you were allowed to pay a visit to another time in your life– which would you choose? There is scarcely a month in the year when I pass by 57th and Military Avenue and don’t dream a bit about Louis’ Bar and Grill–for
There are some people that you might come across who claim that humans begin to assume the look of their family pets. Others still who proclaim that couples most surely begin to look like one another, the longer they are together. Are our homes
Before I came to the belated preoccupation of sharing my house sleuthing adventures, my life was largely one of hidden obsession. Left to my own imaginings and amateur stakeouts, I had about worn out the ears of closest companions regarding My
I ask you, what could more beautiful than a home owner who hears the pleading calls of his home, who seeks to understand and studies the oft ignored architectural language, and furthermore, (the real biggie in my estimation), has the financial
My Omaha Obsession—as you may by now have gathered—is not really a blog at all; it is only a long walk round our Omaha streets, through the years. If it bores you to walk round Omaha’s streets, peer in the windows of glorious homes and
Honestly, it is all rather dismal around here with no snow in sight. I do love a good snow. Mr. Cassette has said it will possibly never snow again, which bothers me greatly, and to give up my Snow Pining. He trails off, knowing not to be too